Thursday, January 17, 2008

Affiliating With the Competition

Because I was new to the GPT scene, I quickly became friends with other site owners who were in the same boat I was in. I found these other owners in Forums and other message boards relating to our site

Being a mid-western girl, I was more open to being trusting and "real". However, I learned the hard way. My advice to new owners is find someone who is a credible source and who knows the ropes, not someone who will take advantage of you or betray you.

There are plenty of Forums out there for you to check out in relation to online marketing and affiliate marketing and I encourage you to check out these for your own personal use. I received a lot of valuable information and advice simply by reading threads and asking questions.
That is one thing you shouldn't be afraid of, asking questions. As you go along on your journey of building your site, these forums will help you. I know they did for me.


Digital Point

Get Paid Forum

Admin Zone

Global Gold Talk

Dream Time Money

Cash Talk

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